


Is highly productive

Consistency in code writing this technology provides can’t help increasing a dev’s general productivity, as he can follow the same patterns while coding different elements. An innovative Angular feature called CLI or command line tools is aimed at out of the box app creation, easy services and components generation, and local app testing during the development process. This helps get a finished product faster in comparison with other technologies.


Consists of modules that make it easier to test and maintain apps

Angular allows building apps based on different modules that can be both interrelated and autonomous. In addition, the use of modules can significantly increase the speed of a web-page load, as a billing module, for instance, won’t be loaded until a customer clicks on the “Pay” button. Not to mention the opportunities a modular system opens for QA: each of the modules can be tested separately that guarantees the integrity of others.


Is a win-win solution for cross-platform development

Up-to-date web apps, native mobile development, and Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop apps creation are within Angular power. By using this technology, you get a product for a desirable platform applying the same methods. Both customer and developer can benefit from greater opportunities this technology provides.